Stamp duty and registration charges in tamilnadu 2024

Stamp duty and registration charges in tamilnadu 2024 pdf and fees calculator - A sub registrar office is a government office which is responsible for registering various documents/certificates related to land, marriage, birth, Union and etc. Some documents must be registered with the sub registrar without any delay. Registration of legal instruments, lease deeds, sale deed, mortgage deeds are mandatory. There are 19 documents which can be registered with the sub registrar. Out of them 6 documents have recorded the number of registrations. They are related to purchase of lands, donation of lands, Transaction of lands, Agreements relation to land, partition of land, lease of land.

Stamp duty and registration charges in tamilnadu

Stamp duty

Stamp duty is a tax which is payable during the transaction of a property. Stamp duty is a state tax. Stamp duty is valid for 6 months. It validity is based on the value of the property. It serves as an evidence that the property has been bought/sold. Stamp duty for transaction of properties among family members is always less than the transaction of properties between third parties. Stamp duty for transaction of and varies  from 1 % to 7 % registration fees is mandatory when registering a land/document.

Act 1899

The Indian stamp act, 1899 is a fical statue laying down the law relating to tax levied in the form of stamps on instruments recording transactions and stamp duties on instruments specified in entry 91 of the union list is levied by the union.

Stamp duties on instruments other than these mentioned in entry 63 of the state list. Provisions other than those relating to rates to rates of duty fall within the legislative power of both the union and the states by virtue of entry 44 of the concurrent list. Stamp duties on all the instruments are collected and kept by the concerned states.

Because of large scale changes in the usage of the instruments since the Indian stamp act, 1899 was introduced, a need to amend a good number of provisions of this act is being felt for quite some time. Law commissions in its 67th report submitted in 1976 has made extension recommendations in this regard. Serious efforts are now being made to bring in large scale amend marts in Indian stamp act, 1899 to bring this law in tune with the times.

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Just like stamp duty registration fee for transaction of land between family members is always less than the transaction of land between third parties. Registration fee for transaction of land is usually 1 % or 2 % of the market value of land.

Purchase of land

Several documents are needed for purchase of land. verifying encumbrance certificate is an important step in purchasing a land. Stamp duty for purchasing a land is 7 % of market value and registration fee is 2 % of market value.

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Donation Deed

A land which is given to a person or organisation or government without any cost is called donation of land. It is also known by the name gift deed. Stamp duty for donation of land is 7 % of market and registration fee is 2 percentage of market values.

Donar follows

1. That the donar hereby covenants and declares that he is the absolute owner and processor of the property hereby gift and has every right, authority and competency to transfer, alienate the said property absolutely in favor of the donar herein.

2. The donar hereby further covenants, declares and agrees that the gifted property is free from all encumbrance such as mortgages, charger, lien, demands, interest, security, litigation, surety, prior, prior sales, government or private attachments and or other charges etc., any nature whatever.

3. The donar hereby further covenants and declares that he has not done any act whereby the property hereby sold is either encumber or the donar herein is in any manner declared or prevented from selling and transferring the same absolutely in favor of the donee herein.

4. The donar states that there is neither any legal embargo nor any legal impediment in the gifted property.

5. The donar herein further covenants, declares and assures that he has put the donar herein in actual vacant and complete physical possession of the said property hereby gifted and that the donar herein shall be entitled to enjoy the possession so delivered and to receive all rents, customers, profits, there form without any interruption or disturbances either by the donar herein or any other person claiming through or under the donar.

Transaction Deed

Transaction of land means transfer of land from one person to another person. Stamp duty for transaction of land is 7 % of market and registration fees are 2 % of market rate.

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Partition Deed

Partition of land mean partition of property between two or more persons. Stamp fee for partition of land is 7 % of market rate and registrations fee is 1 % of market cost.

Lease Deed

Land lease means renting a land or building. The buyer will be the owner of the land till the lease ends. Stamp fee for land lease is 1 % of market cost and Registration cost is also 7 % of market rate.

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